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Fargo Biz Online: Why big companies should fear the underdog.
Fargo Print: Business cards, Post Cards, Design, Logos, Fargo Moorhead Area
Fargo Printing: Learn internet advertising in Fargo Moorhead and promote your product or service all around the web!
Fargo ND, Internet advertising can turn your home business, micro business, or other small venture into a profitable enterprise! Learn to promote your biz effectively and inexpensively.
The Your Ads Mean Business internet advertising concepts will point the way! You’ll find many high quality internet advertising and promotional products from which to choose.
Your best bets for success are:
1) proper web site optimization
2) a sound pay per click (PPC) advertising campaign
3) fresh content updated daily
4) a sound linking strategy
5) a thorough classified advertising program
There are a growing number of products and services introduced to the fargo moorhead market every month, and your company may not stand the test of time if it lacks a well-defined brand. Differentiation is key for any product or service. In the information age, impressions come to people so fast it's virtually impossible to retain all the messages with which we're bombarded. In order to make people stop, look, and listen, it is imperative that the brand you create cuts through the clutter. The name and logo ? the "look and feel" of your communications ? is the starting point for how people perceive you.
In order to lead in your category, you want your target audience to notice and to remember you. Because the core of your brand is your name and how that name is visually expressed, there is a terrific opportunity to make these elements work for you. Take your brand development seriously, and invest what is necessary achieve your goals. This may mean hiring an outside help. For more on the definition of a brand, read What Is a Brand?
Equally important, make sure that you think through and are able to communicate your company's position and core values. If you can't articulate what differentiates you to your branding consultant, chances are they won't be able to communicate it visually. They need clear direction in order to craft a memorable, differentiated brand.
Fargo Online Media: Women in Business
Fargo Woman in Focus Mary Johnson
Education: B.S. Physical Education and minor in Accounting, Concordia 1979
Business: President & CEO, Union State Bank since 1998
Community Volunteering: Vocational Training Center Board of Directors, Bethany Homes, Inc. Board of Directors, non-profit and civic boards, professional organizations, first female member of Lake Agassiz Kiwanis
Once out of college, this Concordia phy ed major fully intended on teaching and falling back on the accounting profession if needed. Mary did not teach and her career path led directly to the accounting profession which she found to be a better match for her. Out of college, she joined Charles Bailly & Co. where she practiced accounting for four and a half years.
Mary went on to gain a variety of professional experience. After practicing accounting, Mary moved on to positions in commercial lending at First Bank and US Bank. Eventually, she worked for Lutheran Health Systems advising business entities with their financial planning, challenges and business growth. From Charles Bailly & Co and beyond, Mary has utilized her keen accounting and analytical skills to serve clients in the business world.
When asked what her favorite employment was before her current position at Union State Bank, Mary said it was as a commercial lender at First Bank. Another favorite was working with the healthcare companies through Lutheran Health Systems.
Now years later, Mary said maturity and experience have greatly added to her business perspective in banking and have developed her keen sense of problem solving and resilience to steadily accomplish business goals for Union State Bank.
Mary is proud of Union State Bank’s niche in the locally competitive business of banking. Mary and her staff pride themselves on their unique style of friendliness and personal service. Walking in to Union State Bank, you immediately feel a comfort combined with the business atmosphere—a neighborhood feel with staff knowing customers’ names, and the business of relationship building—easy accessed advice and services to meet people’s banking needs.
Behind the front counters, Union State Bank is very aware of trends in banking. Mary pointed out that electronic capabilities are opening up numerous client service possibilities and that competition is coming from non banking entities such as mortgage companies. And, because of customer internet usage, they also strive to build non- traditional ways of maintaining distant banking relationships.
Mary feels that her biggest career obstacle was not having a pre-ordained career path—that she did not set out to be a bank president. She happened to find out that she loved banking because it meant coming up with solutions for people every day. She added that sometimes it is better to be a woman in banking because she can feel a two-way trust building with clients and it is comfortable to say,” Let’s find a solution.”
Her business inspiration comes from several people. Her husband says ‘you can do anything – you’re capable.’ Mary also lists several others that are encouraging to her in business. Mary said that Dr. Hamilton, chair of the Union State Bank board of directors is very empowering, intelligent and forward thinking about their business and Mary is quick to mention Nick Hammerstein and Pam Anderson, both of Fargo, who she serves with on local nonprofit boards.
A normal work day for Mary includes many phone calls and finding solutions one-on-one or in small group situations. Sharp and focused, Mary takes on issues and quickly finds solutions for both customers and employees.
All in all, Mary is a commercial lender, works to match staff objectives to the needs and growth of the bank, meets compliance issues and consults to bank customers. Mary is continually learning by reading trade journals and internet information, working with vendors and taking part in educational offerings through Eide Bailly.
Mary’s plans for the bank are to position the bank to continue to grow and to be careful not to try to be all things to all people and lose their effective business niche. When Mary joined Union Sate Bank as president & CEO nine years ago the bank’s assets were $18,500 and today they are at $50 million. Clearly, she is doing it right.
Fargo Print
Fargo Moorhead Home Builder Profile Chad Peda
Fargo Moorhead Builder Profile Chad Peda
Hometown: Fargo, ND
Your first job was: Leather craftsman, made it by hand and started selling it as a teenager.Favorite type of music: Classic Rock, 70’s Rock, Country, Variety, if it has a rhythm.
Professional training: 14 years of Sales & Marketing
Your favorite thing about building: At 6 years old I nailed scrap wood together in my parents shed and now I do the same thin, just a little neater, for families and businesses in the community.
I ignite my sales by: I service my clients from the first call to every call.
Favorite restaurant: The Neighbors Restaurant in Horace, great food and worth the drive!
When I cook at home I like to…: Create something new every time
One thing every homebuyer should keep in mind when building a home: Ask for what you want to have and make sure you get it…it’s your home!
Your favorite charity is and why: Big Brothers, Big Sisters make a difference for them!
I have experienced many different fields in my years of employment. For me the childhood dream became my passion, from building small wooden boxes in Dad’s shed at age 6 to challenging myself today with tearing apart a clients home to make it new to fulfill their wants and needs. It is my passion. I love what I do and strive to do it well day in day out, from new construction to remodels and additions. Whether your home or your business, I enjoy building and fulfilling your dreams. I’m looking forward to meeting you soon, take care.
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Fargo Moorhead Builder Profile Dan Parrow
Fargo Moorhead Builder Profile Dan Parrow
Dan Parrow
Business: Interstate Remodeling, Inc / ISR Homes
Contact Info: Jennifer Hogenson-Jensen with Real Estate Services,
Your first job was: Roofing for my dad as a teenager.
Favorite type of music: Contemporary Christian.
Professional training: One year in the Carpentry program at Northwest Tech and a degree in Sales & Marketing from Northwest Tech.
Your favorite thing about building: Working with the homebuyers and sub-contractors.
Did you or do you have a mentor? My dad Harold.
I ignite my sales by: Open houses every Sunday from 1:00 to 4:30 and the use of our web site, www.isrhomes.com
Favorite restaurant: Olive Garden.
When I cook at home I like to… Cook anything Italian.
One thing every homebuyer should keep in mind when building a home: Know the builder and know the sub-contractors that are or may be working on your home.
Your favorite charity is and why: The church I attend has been going to Latin America for a number of years building schools. I have been a part of this for the past six years working for two weeks each February.
Interstate remodeling / ISR Homes’ aim is to build you more than an exceptional home. We’re committed to supporting you in every stage – from the start of your search, to the planning and building stage, and extending on to when you live in and maintain your home.
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We create marketing communications to support every aspect of your communications strategy. We generate the delivery vehicles for success, which may include branded print, multimedia, packaging and direct marketing materials. As a creative provider that develops and implements your marketing communications across all channels, we will effectively promote your image, products and services. Our comprehensive promotional tools are developed for your exact objectives.
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Builder Profile Fargo
Find a Great Local Fargo Moorhead Builder: Bob Pearson Eid-Co
Name: Bob Pearson
Business: Eid-Co Homes, a residential home building company
Hometown: Grand Forks, N.D.
Your first job was: As a courtesy boy and stockman at Red Owl in Grand Forks beginning in 1962. I ultimately became a store manager in West Fargo in 1970.
Favorite type of music: “Big Band” sounds of the 20’ through the early 50’s. Some country is OK also.
Professional training: On going education and training offered through the National Home Builders Association and through the National Association of Realtors.
Your favorite thing about building: Being instrumental in assisting young people/families in purchasing their first home. Knowing that in the majority of cases, homeownership has the greatest potential toward gaining long-term financial security for those acquiring their first home. My best
Did you or do you have a mentor? Morris Pyle got me started in Real Estate as a new home sales associate with Eid-Co Homes in 1974. At the time I remember thinking that I’m simply not the salesman type. Morris’ response was, “Approach selling real estate as being a problem solver. “You’
I ignite my sales by: Our furnished model homes and a state-of-the-art web site are very well received by our customers. We at Eid-Co Homes focus on providing homes that meet the needs of our customers and that represent an excellent value in the market place.
Favorite restaurant: The Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Ponderosa, as well as the cafĂ© in the Fargo Holiday Inn provide good value and consistent quality…one eating place would be boring.
When I cook at home I like to… grill a thick steak along with a salad and buttered French bread. A “plain old” hamburger hot dish also hits the spot a few times a month.
One thing every homebuyer should keep in mind when building a home: The most important thing is to explore the entire market in your price range so that you become an “informed” buyer. Many of the people that you may want to count on for advice have not been in the home market recently, and therefore, their advice may not be pertinent or accurate today. A great Realtor is priceless…ask acquaintances about their Realtor experiences…and choose the one you are most comfortable with.
Your favorite charity is and why: The Make-A –Wish Foundation. A young person hurting is such a difficult condition for me to accept. Therefore, if there is a way to lessen the pain and uncertainties these kids and their families are confronted with, it’s appropriate that we do something. They are entitled to a few hours or days of distraction and happiness.
Fargo Print Services
Fargo Blog Media: Fargo Is'nt Boring
Fargo Blog Media: Fargo Is'nt Boring
I found this in a blog and thought it was of some interest Submitted by Fargo Visitor Mz.Sasa
Before going to Fargo, I watched the movie, and since I'm not from the Midwest, I got a huge kick out of it. This weekend, my co-worker and I took a spur-of-the-moment trip to Fargo to visit friends. They hadn't seen the movie, so we watched it, but no one else really thought it was funny!Anyway, that was a random aside.Fargo was great. It had cute shops, restaurants and cubbyhole hangouts. It also had interesting places to see, like the largest all-sports store in the world (Scheels) and Space Aliens Grill and Bar (yes, I realize this isn't unique to Fargo).I'm not sure I would take a trip there, as I would Chicago or New York, if I didn't know someone who could show me the sights, but it turned out to be a neat place.
Yeahhhhhhhhh Fargo aint boring!
Fargo Printing: North Dakota Dependency Ratio Expected to Increase
North Dakota Dependency Ratio Expected to Increase
A decline in North Dakota’s youth during the past couple of decades, combined with the bulk of baby boomers moving through the prime labor force, has resulted in a declining dependency ratio (fewer dependents per worker)
Fargo, ND - According to 2006 population estimates released by the Census Bureau, for every 100 working-age residents in North Dakota, there were approximately 53 nonworking-age residents. In other words, there were approximately two workers providing for every one dependent.
If the current age distribution patterns continue, 2020 projections indicate that this ratio will rise to 71 nonworking-age residents for every 100 residents of working age. In addition, 18 counties in the state are projected to have more dependents than workers by 2020.
“This is a situation that should raise concern among policymakers,” says Richard Rathge, director of the North Dakota State Data Center at North Dakota State University. “We have a limited window of opportunity to position ourselves for this reality and I think the time to start planning is now.”
This month’s “Population Bulletin,” a monthly publication from the North Dakota State Data Center, focuses on North Dakota’s dependency ratio. It measures the dependence that nonworking-age people have on working-age people. It indicates the economic responsibility of those who are economically active in providing for those who are not. The dependency ratio combines the proportion of people who are not of working age, either because they are less than 16 years old or because they are age 65 or older, and compares this total with the proportion of people who are of working age (16 to 64).
A decline in North Dakota’s youth during the past couple of decades, combined with the bulk of baby boomers moving through the prime labor force, has resulted in a declining dependency ratio (fewer dependents per worker). The dependency ratio, which was 64 nonworking-age residents per 100 working-age residents in 1990, declined to 58 per 100 in 2000, 55 per 100 in 2003 and 53 per100 in 2006. However, baby boomers soon will be leaving the labor force and entering retirement. In fact, the leading edge of the baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) turned 60 in 2006.
As the dependency ratio increases, so does potential for concern among communities faced with an older, nonworking population. In 1990, the majority of nonworking-age residents in North Dakota were youth less than 16 years old. By 2020, retirement-age residents age 65 and older will capture the majority of nonworking-age residents. This shift in age structure will impact the types of decisions needed to provide services to an older, nonworking populatio.
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Breaking News Fargo ND: Can you make it on social security in Fargo?
Part 3 of 5: Baby Boomers' forecast and 401K's
The next two installments will focus more on the survival within a real marketplace since our next subjects already have more established buying habits and less loans or obligations.
We will profile an individual living on social security and a pension in North Fargo. The individual lives alone, has been retired for ten years and does receive a monthly supplement pension of $450. The house is paid off and so is the car. His television is often turned off and is cable-free. Like last month, our subject has elected to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature relating to income and living environments.
The following a breakdown of the retiree’s monthly budget:
The Paychecks
Monthly Social Security Check - $662
Pension - $450
Net Income - $1112
Utilities & Professional Amenities
Phone - Land Line - $50
City of Fargo - $35
Xcel - $200
Total Utilities - $285
Additional Expenses
Newspaper Subscriptions - $30
Health/Pharmacy - $200
Total Other Expenses - $230
Shelter Expenses
House Mortgage - $0
Monthly Property Taxes - $220
Monthly Insurance - $50
Total Shelter Expenses - $270
Transportation Expenses
Auto Payment 1 - $0
Auto Insurance 1 - $40
Gasoline/Repair 1 - $100
Total Transportation - $140
Total Monthly Bills - $925
Total Monthly Income - $1112
Entering Retirement - 1997
Annual Property Taxes: $1,420
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $1.11
Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.87
Cost of a gallon of milk: $2.88
Ten Years into Retirement - 2007
Annual Property Taxes: $2,177
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $3.11
Cost of a dozen eggs: $1.58
Cost of a gallon of milk: $3.76
Change in annual property taxes: $757 (+53%)
Change in a gallon of regular gas: $2.00 (+180%)
Change in a dozen eggs: $0.71 (+81%)
Change in a gallon of milk: $0.88 (+30%)
Social Security and retirement research facts according to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the federal agency insuring pensions:
According to a recent government study, which analyzed over 17 million participants with about 45,000 different 401K plans, on an average, the study concludes 401K recipients will have about three times what they had for a salary. For example, if someone was making 40K-50K for their career, they would have about $150K. This amount is expected to be used up in seven to eigth years. A potential problem surfaces because life expectancy is seventeen years after retirement, leaving retirees nine to ten years to live off just social security.
If everyone were to cash in their pensions this year, the current pension program would be $450 billion dollars underfunded.
Currently over 18,000 companies have underfunded their pensions and in the next five years many more major corporations are scheduled to default on their pensions.
Pension experts now say the average employee has to put away about 18% of our salary for your retirement, every year over your entire career. Otherwise, they warn, you may not be able to afford the “predictable expenses.” Currently less than 10% of employees contribute the maximum amount. - Brooks Hamilton, Pension Expert & Corporate Tax Consultant of 30 years
According to the Depart. of Labor, in 1974 the company put in 89% to a fund and the employee 11%. Today the employee puts in 51%. Over the past thirty years, there has been a cost shift of 40% from contributions made by the employee.
Next month: How much does a NDSU graduate need to make after graduation?
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Fargo Super Agent Diane Nordhougen
Fargo Real Estate: Super Agent Profile Diane Nordhougen
Red River Home Guide Superagent Profile
Name: Diane Nordhougen
Employed By: Park Company Realtors, 28 N. 10th St, Fargo, ND 58102
Hometown: Averill, MN
Your first job was: Waitress in Dilworth, MN
Favorite type of music: All kinds, especially light rock and easy listening
Professional training: Certified Residential Specialist (CRS), Graduate Realtor Institute (GRI), Certification for Internet Professionalism (e-Pro)
Your favorite about selling real estate: Meeting new people and assisting them through good and bad times while selling or buying their home…making a difference one home at a time.
Did you or do you have a real estate mentor?: Yes, several that I watched and admired over the years.
I ignite my real estate sales by: Constantly staying in touch with my clients!
Favorite restaurant: Jonny Carino’s
When I cook at home I like to… : Have friends and family join us!
One thing every homebuyer should keep in mind when searching for a home: Get pre-approved before you start looking and then determine what you want for payment costs. Sick to your budget so you don’t overextend yourself and become house poor.
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Fargo Print: Business cards, Post Cards, Design, Logos, Fargo MoorheadFargo News Media: The Rock 102 Girl
interview with the Wahpeton graduate on 102 billboard
Melissa Duerr, model from the "Turn us on" billboard, talks about life as a model.
Wahpeton, ND - On any given day, drivers winding through Fargo may pass a number of billboards without giving them a single thought, but life-long residents of Wahpeton will surely recognize the new one featuring the blond-haired and blue-eyed Melissa Duerr.
The 2002 Wahpeton High School graduate headed to Fargo to work as a booking agent at Academie Agencie and never turned back. She credits those first years at the agency for helping her realize the importance of being its top model and giving her the necessary steps she needed.
At 19, Duerr learned the ropes of the modeling industry as a booker, scheduling all of the appointments for models."All of the knowledge I learned behind the scenes helped me build my career as a model," she said. "As a booking agent, I realized how certain qualities are important, as far as just being reliable and committed. So I guess that's how I got interested in modeling."
After realizing that she wanted to pursue a career in modeling, she spent one year at the Salon Professional Academy, a cosmetology school in Fargo.
"There's no client that never needs to hire a makeup artist, and I just did it myself," she said. "It all works together."
Then Duerr started teaching a runway instruction class at the agency, doing hair and make-up for the photo shoots. It wasn't too long before she began work as a full-time hair stylist and makeup artist at Hair Success in North Fargo, and this year she added to the busy roster by teaching a class on wardrobe, which covers the basics on incorporating personal style with the rules of fashion.
As she juggles regular work with modeling, days can get long. On an average morning, Duerr is ready to work from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. as a model or teaching a class, and then from 2:30-9 p.m. she heads to her station at Hair Success.
"It gets pretty busy, but it's fun," she said. "I enjoy it."
Modeling jobs usually arrive at the last minute, and Duerr will get a call only a day or two before the job will begin. One of her first shoots was for a promotional bit in Las Vegas called "Hotwalkers", and would be featured in various gambling spots around the city. She was nervous.
"I did whatever I possibly could, but I was so nervous because I didn't know how the pics would turn out," she said. "But when I saw them I was surprised, because the pics were actually phenomenal. I guess you just have to try your best and put everything into it."
At the shoot, Duerr met CarriDee English, the Fargo native who went on to win Season 8 of Bravo's America's Next Top Model. The two became close friends for awhile, "but I haven't heard from her since," she laughed.
Duerr has been seen in spreads for Microsoft Magazine and the The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, as well as being featured annually in the KFYR Bismarck and KVLY Bridal show. One year she attended the International Model and Talent Convention in New York City, which gathers all of the agents and models around the world in one setting. Duerr found a surprising perk at this particular event.
"I got an opportunity to judge a makeup competition for thousands of models, and I was sitting next to the this lady who just happened to be the makeup artist from Seinfeld," she laughed. "Here's little me from Fargo, but they all said I was welcome to judge. It's kind of funny, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time."
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Fargo Moorheads Super Agents
Fargo Real Estate: Super Agent Profile Carlita Dietz
Super Agent Carlita Dietz
Hometown: born in Wishek, ND, but moved to Fargo at 5.
Favorite type of Music: Hard rock, but since I've had children I've gotten all of the Laurie Berkner CD memorized.
Professional training: Bachelor of Social Work with Double Major in Spanish from MSUM. Licensed Social worker in MN from 1995-1999. Licensed real estate agent since 2000 in ND and 2005 in MN. Realtor since 2003, I think. Licensed General Contractor in MN since 2005 also. (No additional real estate designations.
My favorite thing about selling real estate: My broker allows me to work from home, on my own schedule. This allows me to be a mother to my kids, and still make a good living.
Did you or do you have a real estate mentor?: I was introduced to real estate by my Broker, Paul Krabbenhoft, in 1999. I was working full-time in a construction/development office, so residential real estate was a natural transition. I have great respect for Paul, and I love working for him. He's taught me so much.
I ignite my real estate sales by... making every sale a personal one. Everyone wants a friendly relationship with their real estate agent, right? I treat my buyers and sellers as friends, while still representing them professionally. Clients don't want to be talked down too, or have an agent spewing out stuff that just goes right over their heads.
Favorite restaurant: Nothing fancy. With my Family...we love Acapulco Restaurant (on 13th Ave.), or Chinese Buffets!
When I cook at home I like to...get the kids out of the kitchen, turn on the radio, find a nice bottle of wine and cook up some pasta.
One thing every homebuyer should keep in mind when searching for a home: There is no such thing as "one perfect home", even when you build custom, you realize things that you could have done differently. Find a house that has most of the characteristics that you want now, as well as look at the home's potential. Will it suit your needs 5 or 10 years from now?
My favorite charity is: the local Disabled American Veterans chapter. My brother was paralyzed from an accident nearly 6 years ago, while he was active duty in the army. The DAV has been such a source of support and encouragement for him. He has been able to attend a ski clinic in Colorado and wheel chair games in Alaska that the DAV sponsors. They are tremendous!
I never thought I'd find myself working as a Realtor. Many people think of Realtors as pushy sales people. Anyone that knows me, would agree that pushy isn't my nature. How could I make a living selling real estate? Looking at my schooling, and previous employment, I wasn't headed into sales. I have never thought of myself as a sales person. I am a representative and facilitator in the real estate transaction. I have a construction background, with abundant knowledge of materials and techniques, so I feel like I'm a resource to my clients in that way. I love what I do, and am privileged to work with great people.
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Fargo Moorheads Premier Home Lenders
Jeff Aafedt
Charter West Mortgage
Hometown: Born in Winterhaven, Florida but moved to Fargo at age 4. Graduated from Fargo North High School and NDSU in Fargo.
Your First job was: Setting trap at the west Fargo gun club at age 7.
Farorite type of music: Christian Rock.
Professional training: College, United States Air Force Pilot Training, various Type Ratings in the DC-9, Boeing 727, Airbus A-319/320 aircraft during my 21 year career at northwest airlines as a Captain and Instructor.
What does a Premier Lender do on the weekend? Continue to qualify and help people obtain affordable financing while they are looking at purchasing a home over the weekend, having to wait until Monday to find out if you can purchase a home is not a option in my opinion.
Did you or do you have a mentor? No
Highest interest rate you remember: 11% when I bought my first home in 1985, and 14% when inflation was out of Control during the Carter Presidency.
Favorite place to meet for a cup of joe?: Any espresso bar but if give the choice I would rather have a Martini at the Ho-Do.
When I cook at home I like to: Barbeque
Favorite family hangout: Our home on Long Lake in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
One thing every consumer should keep in mind when searching for a mortgage is: This is probably one if not the most important financial decision you will possibly make in a lifetime. Your home is also part of your long term investment portfolio and needs to be treated as such. It is very important to make sure that your lender off.
What is the most gratifying part of lending? On a purchase actually seeing sellers and buyers exchange keys and garage door openers and knowing my clients obtained the best financing available for their credit profile. For my refinance clients knowing I was able to save them hundreds of dollar.
Your favorite charity is and why: The Boys and Girls Club of Detroit Lakes. Enabling all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens is very important to me. In our community as well as probably every other we need to invest in young kids, which is our future. Since joining the board two years ago and serving as board president for the last year supporting the leadership of our Executive director Pat Petermann we have been able to increase our after school attendance from 26 kids per day to over 100. We have been able to increase our membership by over 300 kids and serve thousands of meals to individuals who need them. The club is the positive place for kids to be. Check out www.boysandgirlsclubofdetroitlakes.org to learn more. This website by the way is built and maintained by the kids and supervised by a staff member.
Find a Home Loan Professional in Fargo Moorhead here.
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Fargo Printing: Tips on writing a print advertisement
A good advertisement should have:
- an interesting headline
- clear design
- well-written copy
- A good headline should catch the reader's attention and make them want to read on. It might ask a question or inspire curiosity. For example, a bed manufacturer might ask if readers want to know the secret of a good night's sleep.
- Don't overplay the actual message - people will feel let down if they read on and their expectations are not fulfilled.
- A headline will encourage people to read on if it offers a clear benefit - such as "buy one, get one free".
Clear design
- The way an advertisement looks plays a big part in attracting and retaining the reader's interest.
- Avoid small or complicated typefaces that are difficult to read. And don't mix too many typefaces in one advertisement.
- Don't clutter the layout - keep plenty of white space in the advertisement - avoid the temptation to say too much.
Well-written copy
- The amount of text you include depends on the purpose and size of the advertisement. Businesses that want to advertise a sale might have a very limited amount of text accompanied by a headline and a picture of some of the items on offer.
- If you're writing a lot of text, it should follow on logically from the headline, build a convincing case and prompt a response from the reader. Back up any claims with facts.
- Good copy draws attention to the benefits of the product or service rather than focusing solely on the features.
- All the reader wants to know is "what's in it for me?"
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Email: lindsay@redriverhomeguide.com
fargoprint.com: Business cards, Post Cards, Web Design, Logos, Fargo Moorhead
Fargo Printing:Business cards, Post Cards, Design, Logos, Fargo Moorhead Area. Save Money with us Locally.
Fargo Print.com: Business cards, Post Cards, Web Design, Logos, Fargo Moorhead
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Fargo Print Media: Tips For Media Selection
Fargo Print:
Marketers have a wide variety of media at their disposal. Most of us think first of the advertising troika of newspapers, magazines and TV. But there are a number of other options depending upon what you are trying to accomplish.
1. Create a sense of urgency. Direct marketing offers that contain a deadline for consumer action can create that sense of urgency that motivates your customer to buy now.
2. Fill in the blanks. Brochures are a great vehicle for providing the detailed information about your product's many benefits.
3. Be impulsive. Signage speaks to people when they are in buying mode at the point of sale. Besides spurring impulse buying, signs also act as a reminder, connecting the dots to your other marketing efforts.
4. Get interactive. Your web-related marketing efforts can capture a consumer's attention, direct the prospect to additional information to help educate and answer questions, ask for the business and make the sale.
5. Establish intimacy. Magazines is a one-to-one medium that allows the marketer to build a close connection with the prospect.
So, before you select your media, think about what customer action you want to spur.
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